Duties & Expectations - triples & rinks
The following is taken from the AGM Minutes in 1971 but is as true today as then:
(a) It is up to the lead to see his side "GETS A GOOD START"
(b) The No. 2 should be able to supply the all-important wood on or near the jack, should the lead have failed in his task
(c) The No. 3 plays a variety of shots both tactical and positional as directed by skip, which may not be apparent to him (3), but the praise of his skip and his colleagues is sufficient reward
(d) The skip is expected to alter practically impossible situations. He must understand the game and the players thoroughly - in fact he is expected to be the lead, second and third rolled into one. He must encourage even under the most trying situations and he must be able to weld his rink into a happy one so that each player has the confidence his skip expects him to have.
The duties of players in a match are as follows:
(e) The No. 3 in a rink (No. 2 in a triple) is the only player who should discuss the play with the skip
(f) The No. 3 in a rink (No. 2 in a triple) should measure for shots and determine with his opposite number the score at the close of each end - only in the event of a disagreement should the skips be called in for a decision
(g) Other players on the rink should keep two or three yards away from the head and should not take part at all in the foregoing procedure
(h) The No. 2 is responsible for keeping the scorecard.