How to Find Us
Please click here to display a map of how to find us - the red marker shows the entrance to the free car park by our Green.
Our address is:
Orchard Lane, off Grand Avenue, Hassocks, BN6 8QE
Note: enter Orchard Lane from the Grand Avenue entrance, not Keymer Road as the lane is blocked from Keymer Road. Our green is clearly signposted from Grand Avenue and is located in Adastra Park.
There is a large free car-park on the left, just before the gated entrance to our green.
01273 846899 (Only manned when clubhouse is in use)
Sat Nav:
Latitude 50.9255, Longitude -0.137426 or 50 degrees 55 minutes 31.8 North, 0 degrees 8 minutes 14.733 West